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Members of Temple Bat Yam participate in a variety of groups to meet other congregants, increase involvement in the Temple, share their special talents and become active in the Jewish community. TBY’s diverse groups reflect Members’ many interests and welcome congregants of all ages.


Service, Social and Spiritual are the three guiding principals of Temple Bat Yam’s Brotherhood. This friendly group provides a way for members to meet each other, make a difference in South Florida and promote an appreciation of Jewish heritage among the Jewish community.

The Three S’s

The TBY Brotherhood is committed to community service. Its members volunteer around the community and at Temple functions.

Planned events throughout the year excite current members and attract new Members to join. Such events include Marlins baseball outings, golf events and sponsorships of youth programs.

TBY’s Brotherhood creates opportunities for men to explore and celebrate their heritage through Jewish study, worship and other activities.

Click here for the Brotherhood Membership Application.


Thank you to everyone who joined our Sisterhood and participated in our events.  Your continued commitment to our goals is the reason our Sisterhood has been able to support the temple’s plans and programs.

Our dynamic Sisterhood is involved in every aspect of Synagogue life, from the weekly Oneg Shabbat to support of the Rimonim and youth group to creative programs for our community.

We invite you to play an integral part in our mission to provide spiritual, social and educational events for our temple.

Click here for the Sisterhood Membership Application



2023-2025 TBY Sisterhood Board

President - Sheba Thompson

Immediate Past Pres. - Lois Pittler/Sarah Carson

Corresponding Secretary - Judy Morrison

Recording Secretary - Betsy Sherman

Treasurer Cantor- Wendy Autenrieth

Programming - Ellen Fischer/Joan Sternberg

Membership - Suzanne Newman

Fundraising - Fay Rojchin/Marilyn Berkoer

Social Action - Lyn Saberg

Publicity - Marion Fass

Ritual Ruth - Ruth Schachter

Parliamentarian - Evelyn Shunaman

Member(s) at Large:
Kathy Barry
Judy Diamond
Roberta Frank
Melanie Jolles
Mable Ladin
Arlene Moses
Linda Shansky
Marci Weiss
Jane Wexton

Makom Kulam


We invite all members of Temple Bat Yam to join us as we plan Gay Pride events programs, social events, and educational programs for the upcoming 2024-2025 year.

All are welcome to join.

Click here to join.

Ritual Committee


Temple Bat Yam’s Ritual Committee addresses matters of ritual affecting the conduct of services, as well as the management of the sanctuary and religious school facilities.  Members recommend policy, manage procedures, educate on ritual and liturgy, encourage participation and work to involve Temple members and youth in the religious life of Temple Bat Yam and the Jewish community in South Florida.

The Ritual Committee schedules Torah and Haftorah readers, coordinates special holiday and festival observances, implements Kashrut policies and honors Members with aliyot to celebrate simchas.

Social Action Committee

Through Torah, Tefillah, Tzedakah, and Tikkun Olam (study, prayer, righteous deeds, and repairing the world) Temple Bat Yam works to strengthen our congregation, our community, the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Our projects address the needs of many different groups, such as the poor, the homeless, the hungry and organizations that provide services for others. The committee’s focus is caring and making lives better, no matter what race, religion or location. Grounded in our tradition’s commitment to help heal the world, Temple Bat Yam’s Social Action/Tikkun Olam committee coordinates ongoing charitable, humanitarian and social action work within the Temple and the larger community. Its efforts include (but are not limited to) consumer education, ending the genocide in Darfur, fundraising for humanitarian projects in Israel and the United States, food and shelter for homeless people within Broward County, AIDS Awareness Programs, ending Domestic Violence and the Bikkur Cholim Caring Community group which coordinates regular visits to congregants who are ill at home or are patients in local nursing homes or hospitals.

Membership in the Social Action Committee is open to all congregants who are willing to take an active role in one or more of our projects. We welcome you to join us!

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785